The e-Therapy Study: Coach-Facilitated Online Therapy for Patients on a Waitlist for Treatment for Depression

Status: Completed
Project Lead: Dr. Simon Hatcher (PI)
Main Research Contact: Sarah MacLean
Funded By: Canadian Institutes of Health Research and The Royal.

Depression is a common mental health disorder that has significant impacts on quality of life. Treatment for depression often relies on drug therapy because of long wait times and the expense of seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist face-to-face. To address this, we conducted a study that explored the effectiveness of using a coach to guide patients through a free online therapy program for depression (The Journal).

The main goals of this study were to:

  1. Determine the impact that coach-guided online therapy had on symptoms of depression.

  2. Determine the impact that coach-guided online therapy had on other mental health outcomes, like suicidal thoughts, quality of life, and health service use.

  3. Explore patients’ experiences of both using the online therapy program and working with the coach.

To read more about this study, please visit:


Coroner Records Study: A Description of Suicide in Ottawa, 2011-2014