Coach-Facilitated Web-Based Therapy Compared With Information About Web-Based Resources in Patients Referred to Secondary Mental Health Care for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial
JMIR (2020) Sarah MacLean JMIR (2020) Sarah MacLean

Coach-Facilitated Web-Based Therapy Compared With Information About Web-Based Resources in Patients Referred to Secondary Mental Health Care for Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial

Depression is a common mental disorder that has a significant impact on quality of life as well as a high social burden. Many of those with depression go on to self-harm or die by suicide. Due to long wait times for face-to-face therapy, treatment is often limited to drug therapies despite recommendations that counselling should be a first-line treatment for those with mild to moderate levels of depression.

To address this, we conducted a clinic trial to test the efficacy of combining online therapy program for depression (The Journal) with the use of a telephone coach.

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